Rigg Ritter

  • The Drive Serve

    Also known as the “Power Serve” or “Hard Serve”, the drive serve is a low, hard serve.  This is used to put pressure on your opponent to make an accurate return more difficult. It’s a hard-hit ball with a low trajectory usually hit to the backhand corner of the...
  • Pickleball Drill: First Three Shots

    The “first three shots” drill does exactly what you’d think. It helps you improve your serve, return of serve, and third shot (drop in this case). It’s also sometimes called “Long, Long, Short”, or “Serve, Return, Drop” (and I’m sure many more names). How do we do the drill?...
  • The Lob Serve

    The Lob Serve

    What is the Lob Serve? Also known as the “High Soft Serve”, the lob serve is a high-trajectory ball that’s hit with medium or slow speed (based on the height) and aims to land close to the baseline. Pickleball is unique to other similar sports (Tennis in particular) because...
  • Pickleball Partner Tactics: Shadowing

    Firstly, what IS “Shadowing”?  Shadowing is defined as “lateral movement with your doubles partner ​so that you always stay around 10 feet (or 6-7 feet depending on your strategy) apart to maintain maximum court coverage.” That’s fairly clear, but let’s explain it better and detail why it’s so important. If you’re...
  • Pickleball Terms

    Ace: A serve that is not hit at all by the receiver. Point for serving team. Approach Shot:  When the ball is hit while moving forward towards the net. ​ Backcourt:​ The area from the baseline to around 3-4 feet inside the court. Backspin: Applying spin to the ball...
  • Pesky Pickleball Line Calls

    A “line call” is what happens when a player (or judge) sees the ball close to or outside of a line and makes a judgement of whether the ball is “in” or “out”. For the purpose of this discussion, we’re only going to talk about the ones that are...